Today was just another day in the life of Rocko.
We’ve been in the middle of a heat wave and it has been too hot to go for our walk in the evening. Today was biscuit baking day so we got to go out early in the morning.
This is the view of Rocko’s territory. While the mixer is running, we walk very slowly along the alley so Rocko can make sure everything is OK. There’s one particular spot where he always stops to sniff under the plants,
some other animal travels through there frequently.
Our neighbors were having a yard sale and the friend helping was the winning bidder on the gift basket we donated to the Floyd County Animal Care Society. She really wanted to give Rocko a hug but you know he’s not going to stand for that, so she was happy to say that she met the real Rocko from ten feet away.
We enjoyed our time making all
natural dog biscuits and our special batch of grain free biscuits for next week’s Blackberry Festival at the Douglass Loop Farmers Market. As you can see, Rocko is happy to help!
Next week we’ll tell you about Rhett, our neighbor dog, and if all goes well we’ll have a video to show you. Until then, Rocko says stay cool.