One Big Pile of Fur

Now that we’re posting videos of Rocko on the new Rocko’s Rewards youtube channel, I’ve noticed that in some of them he looks a little scruffy.

I want everyone to know that I am NOT a bad dog mommy. 

August 10, 2011

Keeping up with Rocko’s brushing is a never ending job.  To the best we’ve guessed, he is a mix of golden retriever and chow and he has the combined coats of both.  The golden retriever part gives him his beautiful red fur, but the chow part provides a thick undercoat. 

I wish there was a magic brush but if there is I’ve never found it – and I’ve tried them all.  I still have to go through his fur inch by inch to comb it all out.   On a good night I can get at the most a half hour of brushing done, then he’s had enough.  Some spots like under his neck or his legs are completely off limits, so it’s a real battle to get them done.  That’s when I carry the brush around with me and get in two swipes whenever he stands still.

Last year I finally gave him a really aggressive trim, taking most of his fur down to about three inches long.  We had an extremely hot summer and I wanted him to be more comfortable outside (note that a shaved dog can get sunburned so don’t cut too short).  Surprisingly Rocko doesn’t mind the electric clippers at all.  Since he was young I’ve shaved his back end, I swear the fur there just comes in matted.  I think he enjoyed losing the extra fur and it probably took five pounds off him.

But it didn’t put an end to the loose fur!  This time of year it’s worse than ever and I work on him every day until he makes me stop. 

So if you see a picture or video of Rocko and it looks like he’s not properly groomed, rest assured, he does get brushed.  A lot.  All the time.

Here’s a link Rocko’s Rewards youtube channel and a short video from last year of the aftermath of brushing Rocko – One Big Pile of Fur.  I was using the flip camera so it took him a minute to catch on to what I was doing, as soon as he figured it out he jumped up on the couch to ignore me.

I’m posting random videos of the rest of our furry family so check them out while you’re there and we’ve got a really good one in the works.  We’ll keep you posted!

Sign up for our email newsletter so you don’t miss anything and please vote for us in StartupNation’s Home Based 100 Competition.  The links are on Rocko’s World page. 

 See you next week!

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